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Madeline Bell, Artist

Madeline Bell is an artist based in North Dallas. Madeline began exploring the arts in college where she studied photography. Raised in Brooklyn, Madeline spent summers in the Catskill mountains, West Palm Beach, and Puerto Rico. She is inspired by all nature has to offer.

Madeline began working with acrylics in 2019, focusing on abstract art. Madeline's best work is when she gets out of the way of her own creativity and allows herself to explore and have fun.

The beauty of Madeline’s art is that it brings family and friends closer. Madeline’s artwork invokes conversations, explorations, and curiosity. It is a common ground where all ages can gather and discuss what they see and feel. Each time there is a new finding that is discovered in her paintings.

Thank you for visiting. I hope you enjoy and have fun exploring Madeline Bell Artistry.

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